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for companies

Create Content That Sells Using AI

without wasting time, even if you’re just starting to use AI

With the support of


What you’ll get at the workshop:

  • Set up AI to be your Sales Assistant
    and learn how to use it to grow your business
  • Create your sales pitch using AI
  • Develop a clear and unique bio for social networks
  • Generates a month’s worth of relevant content ideas in less than an hour
  • PDF with a List of AI Prompts that we will use during the workshop

Sign up for the workshop

Create Content That Sells Using AI

VACANCIES LIMITED TO 10 PEOPLE so that we can ensure that we give attention to each participant.

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Note: Your privacy is important to us. We will never share your information with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of Artificial Intelligence and put it to work for your business?

In our work, we have used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help our clients achieve better results, reducing costs and increasing their efficiency and productivity.

We’re going to share with you the methods we use every day to get the most out of AI.

Your business is unique, communicate your difference.

In today’s business marketing world, differentiation is key to capturing attention and building customer loyalty.

With the constant pressure to stand out and the need to consistently produce compelling content, entrepreneurs and marketers face the daily challenge of staying relevant and effective.

The Challenges:

Creating marketing content to promote your business takes time, creativity and resources, and we know it’s not easy running a business and keeping up to date with the latest trends.

Artificial Intelligence (such as ChatGPT) has come to help with these tasks, but despite its great potential, implementing the efficient use of AI remains a challenge for many businesses.

The huge range of AI programs and offers is enormous and makes it difficult to take the first step, and even when you do, the results can leave a lot to be desired – leading to demotivation.


The solution:

Most people learn best by doing, and as an entrepreneur it’s important to save and optimize time.

It was with this in mind that we created this workshop.

A practical session that will give
. It’s not just a how-to course – in this session you’ll get hands-on and create real, effective content for your business.

You’ll be able to use AI as a specialized assistant in your business.

  • Learn how to use and customize AI to specifically suit your business;
  • Create pitches/sales speeches and biographies for social networks with the support of AI;
  • Discover how to generate relevant content ideas quickly and effectively;
  • Receive a guide and a list of AI prompts that you can implement immediately.

VACANCIES LIMITED TO 10 PEOPLE so that we can ensure that we give attention to each participant.

Secure your place

Who are you?

We’re passionate about what we do. We are dedicated to your success.

António Pinto

António Pinto

Specialist in brand strategy, marketing and branding.

Ana Tomás

Ana Tomás

Marketing specialist, project and client manager.

Trazendo resultados a empreendedores desde 2007

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